Well, you may have noticed there is a new bank in town. Poppy bank has been making moves throughout Sonoma County and is going head to head with Exchange Bank.
This Billboard belonged to Exchange Bank for many advertising cycles. It was the first billboard you would see as you leave Rohnert Park and cross into South Santa Rosa on Hwy 101 North Bound.
I was aghast the first time I saw this billboard. Poppy Bank has put on the gloves and is not pulling punches. They have since updated their billboard once again and the above image is no longer on display. Maybe someone on marketing said they needed to tone it down.
It has been rumored that Barret SF did some of Exchange Banks previous billboard ads. This Poppy Bank ad was very bold, I wonder who was behind the creative there.
Banking has gotten competitive as we've seen the collapse of banks like Silicon Valley Bank in recent times.
Poppy Bank as of March 9th, 2024 is still advertising a CD annual APY of 5%.
Now, Poppy Bank is a new kid on the block compared to The Exchange Bank. And let's not forget The Doyle Scholarship, Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), and its ties to The Exchange Bank.
Poppy Bank has invested in Santa Rosa's Epicenter, which is great news for our community. We have some great banks here, and there is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.